Friday, May 6, 2022

Modern Alphabets (Historical Events)

MODERN ALPHABETS (Historical events)

  • c. 1050 BCE: The Phoenician alphabet emerges from Egyptoid origins. This script, which has no vowels and is written right-to-left, will be the parent of all the following western alphabets.
  • c. 800 BCE: The Hebrew alphabet comes directly from the Phoenician.
  • c. 800 BCE: The Greeks adapt some Phoenician letters into vowels and form the Greek alphabet.
  • c. 700 BCE: The Latin (Roman) alphabet comes from the Etruscan, which came from the Greek.
  • c. 400 CE: The Arabic alphabet comes from the Nabataean, itself a form of the Phoenician.
  • c. 900 CE: The Cyrillic alphabet was derived from the Greek.


(Image courtesy Wikimedia Commons; CTTO)

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