Thursday, March 31, 2022

e- combining form (Vocabulary: Business Terms)

E- COMBINING FORM (Vocabulary: Business Terms)

With over four billion accounts worldwide, it's safe to say that everyone knows what e-mail (or email) is. But did you know that the e- stands for "electronic"? (Although sometimes it stands for "electric," as in "e-bike.") That abbreviation was coined as early as 1971, and the e- combining form has been used in numerous words since, including such common ones as e-commerce, e-book, and the auction site eBay, as well as around 300 more, many of which you may never have heard of: e-hug, for example, or e-skin. Some e- words are more commonly used with the prefix "cyber-": cybercrime rather than e-crime, or cyberwarfare instead of e-warfare.


(Image courtesy Wikimedia Commons; CTTO)

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