IDIOM: the apple of (one's) eye
- MEANING: a favorite thing or person that you love
- EXAMPLE: "His youngest daughter is the apple of his eye."
IDIOM: apples and oranges
- MEANING: two things that are very unlike each other
- EXAMPLE: "Comparing Twilight to Hamlet is like comparing apples and oranges."
IDIOM: Mom and apple pie
- MEANING: decent, honest, and wholesome; all things "American"
- EXAMPLE: "The politician tried to prove he was all 'Mom and apple pie' during his campaign. "
IDIOM: one bad apple (can) spoil the whole barrel
- MEANING: one bad person can have a negative influence on many good ones
- EXAMPLE: "Fred is too lazy; fire him before that one bad apple spoils the whole barrel."
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(Image courtesy Wikimedia Commons; CTTO)
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