• In full, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."
Meaning: Everyone needs a little "down time," some fun to keep life interesting.
Mini-Dialogue: Marco sees his friend Cara, who has been working too much.
Marco: How's everything going?
Cara: Oh, it's so hard to work and take care of my family!
Marco: Well, don't forget to make a little "me time" too.
Cara: What do you mean?
Marco: Well, besides work and family, you should do some things just for yourself, too. Remember, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."
Cara: You mean, if I only work, I'll become bored?
Marco: Yes, and boring! The most interesting people are the ones with well-rounded lives. Your customers, boss, and family members will see the difference.
Cara: I'm sure you're right.
Question: To whom would you use this proverb?
A. To a lazy employee.
B. To a friend who's too serious.
C. To an athlete who just lost a race.
(Image courtesy Wikimedia Commons; CTTO)
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